
Fr. Abraham Kaippanplackal Foundation

Care Communes
Building a network of Care Communes, offering facilities for assisted living, totally different from conventional old-age homes. The core concept is providing homes for assisted living, where the older adults can choose to live in independent cottages, private suites, shared villas or dormitories and get round the clock appropriate medical attention and nursing care, dietary assistance, recreational and community support. The theme is functional independence, and personal dignity.
You can own, lease or rent a cottage in most peaceful, attractive locations. Spend a few months to get a break from routine, or while you are left alone as other family members go out of station.
Rehabilitation Options
You do not have to give up all your creativity and positive ideas, zest for life once you retire from a professional life. There are ways to get involved in more meaningful, worthwhile pursuits. Relish something truly adventurous! Come to our organic farms!
Get involved in boot camps, themed workshops, alternative therapies, production units.
Institutes for Geriatric Care
Courses in geriatric care management, alternative therapies, home care, diets and health supplements, pain control, consultation services, end-of-life care and spiritual counselling
Service Network
Daycare, Ambulance, Car Pools, Recreation, Motivation, Co-operative Ventures.

Dedicated to advancing and supporting academic and clinical programmes and community and institutional facilities to improve the quality of life, health care delivery, functional ability and independence of older adults.
While ongoing research and training can help stimulate and expand vigorous studies on critical issues related to ageing, health and medical care, proactive interventions and mobilisation of resources are needed to promote the well-being of our greying population suffering from disabilities and chronic illnesses. We have to look for effective strategies, innovative methods and adequate interface while dealing with key geriatric indicators for managing complicated cases like multiple medical co-morbidities, functional deficits, complex medical regimen and a high rate of mental health problems.

Out Reach
A communication channel for sensitising concerned people to the issues concerning the problems of older adults. Supporting family bonds, community solidarity. Information, educational materials and reliable data on care providers, geriatric studies, management skills, fellowship and social networks. Forum to enhance communication among geriatric health professionals, care providers, social workers, interdisciplinary teams, community agencies and institutions. Promoting innovative ways of keeping in touch with near and dear ones: Internet Telephony, Video Conferencing, adapting technological advancements to bring people closer, special facilities for hearing-impaired Production of handbooks, leaflets, media kits, videos, television features, radio broadcasts, New Media inputs
Campaigns for welfare measures and appropriate public policy to protect the interests of older adults
A Charitable Trust, registered under the Charitable Trust Act and with registered headquarters at Palai. Regional offices will be operational shortly in Bangalore and Kochi.
Managing Trustee: